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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Counting Calories for Weight Loss - How Many Calories Should I Eat to Lose Weight?

Calories and weight loss go hand in hand. Weight loss requires that calorie consumption be lower than the amount that is necessary for the body to maintain current body weight.

Weight loss will not occur if calories are not restricted or if one's metabolism is not fast enough to burn the calories that are being consumed.

Finding the right number of calories to consume for weight loss is tricky, but it must be done for optimal weight loss.

First of all, if you do not want to restrict your calorie intake, you can still lose weight by increasing the intensity and frequency of your workouts. By doing this, your metabolism will increase much faster and you will naturally burn more calories.

This method is kind of a shot in the dark though, because you still won't know for sure if you are really burning enough calories for weight loss. Ideally, you will wan to both lower your calorie intake and increase the intensity of your workouts.

The only way to know how many calories you eat is to count them. Write down the number of calories of everything you eat for one week. Don't change anything, just eat like normal.

Then, divide this number by seven, because there are seven days in a week. The resulting number is the average number of calories that you consume daily.

Next, multiply your daily calorie intake by fifteen percent. The result is the number of calories that you need to eliminate from your daily calorie consumption if you want to lose weight safely.

For More Related Topics Blog: Calorie Counter To Lose Weight

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