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Sunday, September 29, 2013

2 Immediate Weight Loss Tips!

If you want to lose weight quickly, you have come to the right place. Forget about everything and give this article your undivided attention for a couple minutes. The weight loss tips in here will be of great benefit to you.

2 Immediate Weight Loss Tips

1. Load Up on Fibre

You've probably heard that fibre is one of the best foods to eat when trying to lose weight. Many people know that fibre will get them fuller with less food which makes it so appealing (less calorie intake without feeling like your still hungry). There is another PHENOMENAL advantage of loading up on fibre in the short run as well.

Fibre is amazing at cleaning out your digestive tract. Some of the food you eat just doesn't want to come out on its own! In other words, it gets stuck in your digestive tract since it has nothing to push it out.

Guess how much this stuff weighs in the average person?

An average of 3-7 pounds! Fibre (assuming you eat enough) WILL push out ALL of this junk. This is easy weight lost!

I recommend black beans for your source of fibre. I will be honest, I don't like them. But I eat them anyways. One can of these black beans contains about 20-25 grams of fibre. This is absolutely huge since your daily intake should be about 25 grams (I believe the average intake is somewhere around 12 grams)!

2. Eat A Lot

Increase your meal frequencies from 3-6 meals starting as soon as possible. This will boost your metabolism greatly.

Just remember, this does NOT mean you are going to be eating double the amount of food! What you do is break up those 3 larger meals into 6 smaller meals.

Your body needs to be given fuel (food) every 3-4 hours for optimal nutrient and energy efficiency. Keep that in mind.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss After Surgery

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